I can do all things.
Author: Dougherty's
I was listening to an interview with Adam Yauch, MCA of Beastie Boys fame, and he was promoting a new documentary that he directed and wrote called "Gunnin' for that #1 Spot" about some of the best high school basketball players in America. As he was talking it reminded me of my childhood. I used to love basketball! I used to practice dribbling and ball handling skills in my mom's utility closet for hours on end. I learned to spin a ball on my finger when I was like 6 or 7 years old. I took my ball to school and practiced on the way to and from.
As I got older I realized that no matter how much I practiced I would never be "that" player. It takes more than skills and fundamentals. Those things are important, no doubt, but there is more. I didn't have it. It makes me think of the Bible verse, Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I love that that verse is on every Christian high school's locker room wall. I am sure when Paul wrote that he was thinking of our high school football and b-ball teams. "Dang it, we lost we need to REPENT!" Anyway, in Philippians, if you read it, Paul seems to making death-bed exhortations, yet just prior he tells his readers that he is not in need of a thing, that he has found the secret to being content in life. I believe that secret is the will of The Father. Just as Jesus did nothing but the will of The Father, I believe that we can do all things, if they are the will of The Father.
I didn't become a basketball player for a lot of reasons, mainly because I wasn't very good, despite the practice. I have only played once or twice in the last couple of years and the last time I air balled a lay up. I'm that good! BOOYA!
Ryan D
John 4:12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
P.S. If you like basketball, documentaries, Beastie Boys, or movies check out "Gunnin' for that #1 Spot."
It goes boom...
Author: Dougherty's
I don't know what it is about men and explosions, but there is something there. I love the fact that America hates communism, but we buy miniature bombs from china, the world's largest communist union, in order to celebrate our independence.
Lately I have been frustrated with the state of the church. Through my work I get to experience all the different facets of Christianity. I want to say that some of these are great some no so great. That being said, I want to mention one of the things that I don't like. I don't like the way many people view God. I believe that God is good and He wants us to have a full life, but He is not a slot machine that dispenses blessings on us because we ask (I do believe that we have not because we ask not, but that is not an obligation on God's part.) I have heard a lot recently about how God wants us to be "happy", and if we are poor, broken-hearted, suffering, beaten, etc. that all we need to do is pray and God will take us out of that oppressive situation. Not so! I believe that there is suffering in the world, actually I don't have to believe it, it is all around us. But there are two types of suffering. One, because we are a fallen people, a people not designed to be the way we are we suffer for that fact alone. We have all experienced death first hand, I rest my case. But there is another type of suffering, the kind that we are responsible for. We (Americans) are a people that don't like take responsibility for our actions and the resulting suffering. For example, if I get a ticket for speeding, I can come up with numerous excuses for the suffering I will endure (fines, higher insurance rates), but really I am responsible for my actions and suffering.
God does want us to have a full (well rounded) life and unfortunately that includes suffering. Often times we grow the most through our times of suffering. I like the Proverb that says. "Give me enough food to live on, neither too much nor too little. If I'm too full, I might get independent, saying, 'God? Who needs him?' If I'm poor, I might steal and dishonor the name of my God." We need God and at no other time in life do we realize that more then when we are suffering.
When people, pastors especially, say that we are suffering because we are not praying enough, righteous enough, believing enough etc. they are really saying that you are not good enough for God. And as a result they push us further and further into a depression that is magnified by the idea that we need to get back on God's good side.
As my former and great pastor used to say, "God loves you as much as He loves His Son."
Ryan D
At the Drive-In
Author: Dougherty's
What is wrong with the world today? When did we decide that hanging out with family under the stars is no longer fun? I heard that our local drive-in movie theater was closing after this season, it's a rumor, but I wouldn't be surprised. Where can you go to to see 2 movies for 5 bucks, plus hang out with your family? I think that it is a shame that when I tell people that we went to the drive-in they have excuses of why they don't go or they talk about how "they will." Some of the best things in life are disappearing, so do it now or you not going to do it.
Ryan D