Author: Dougherty's
Sorry it has been almost a month, but then who cares! I don't delude myself in thinking that anyone reads this tripe.
I like having friends, I have never liked doing anything alone. I have always lived with someone. My brother and I pretty much shared a room our entire growing up and then we moved out together and shared a house with somewhere between 5 and 7 other guys. (Bad idea!) Anyway, I don't like being alone and friends are great to fill in the gaps between work and driving. I even like working with friends.
All this to say I don't like losing contact with friends. And I was shocked to get a phone call from a friend named Fat Joey T that I hadn't talked to in years. To top it off he was calling from Germany. He was calling to tell me that he was going to be in Greeley and wanted to get together. I love when lost friends do that, don't you hate it when you find out that someone that you thought of as a friend was a ten minute drive away and didn't bother to call?
Well, Joey was an amazing freestyle rapper when he was in college, and we asked him if he still did it and he told us that he hadn't rapped since college, what a let down. He was amazing.
Well he went to a friend's wedding and dusted off the ol' mic and had the goodness to send me the video, so although you may not know Fat Joey T, maybe you'll feel like you know him better now.
(Joe is the second one rapping)
Dream, Dream
Author: Dougherty's
I love dreams, you can do anything and be anyone in your dreams. But sometimes that can lead you down a road that you may not have wanted to go. Have you ever had a dream and woken up and wondered if what happened in your dream actually happened? Last night I had a dream that I was picking my nose and eating it. This is not normal behavior for me. Don't get me wrong I pick my nose, but I tend to be more of flicker than an eater. So anyways, I woke up and it dawned on me that I may have been doing more than dreaming of pickin'!
Ryan D
The Greeley Stampede in Hindsight
Author: Dougherty's
Here are my rants, observations and concessions about the Greeley Stampede this year.
1. Rant: The Spin Doctors are a two hit wonder, barely. I didn't realize it until I saw them that they had two, count'em two, radio hits. Nonetheless, they are washed up, but the question that I have is... At what point do you realize that you are washed up? Before you get to Greeley, or does it occur upon arrival? I'm just wondering if Greeley is a turning point in a persons career. The thing is this year they had a lot of amazing bands, some that I don't particularly like, but are A-list musicians. That was not the case for the Spin Doctors.
2. Rant: I am not in the best shape! No one is going to argue that point, but at least I realize it. I know what is OK for me to wear in public. Unfortunately for innocent by-standers, many of the attendees of the Stampede have not made that realization. I don't want to be mean, but somebody has to be honest here. If a supermodel wears it, and you weigh more than twice that supermodel's weight, you shouldn't be wearing it. I'm talking about guys and girls here people. I saw things last night that I think a Guantanamo detainee should not be exposed to.
3. Observation: The carnival is much more white trash in daylight.
4. Observation: The food court is a prophesy of Vegetarian Hell. There literally is enough meat there to feed an African country for a year. And apparently it is the duty of the attendees to make sure none of it goes to waste (see #2).
5. Concession: Maybe the Stampede is bigger than I give it credit for. This year it was chosen as one of the "Best Places to Fly Your Patriotic Colors." by USA Today.
Over all the Stampede was a good time. I had fun taking kids from work over to the carnival and seeing some normally melancholy faces smile for a change. I had fun spending time with my beautiful wife at the Poison show. And I had fun hanging out with my oldest son at the parade and the fireworks.
Ryan D
And the rockets red glare...
Author: Dougherty's
I have some more fireworks pictures, just a couple. God bless America! I just want to say one thing about those idiots that made fireworks illegal in Colorado. You people are as bad as the terrorist that we are trying to defeat, maybe worse. It is our God given American right to blow stuff up... Take that Anti-Fireworks Legislators, Osama Bin Laden and Jemimah Wright!!! Really, it is a God given right, I'm pretty sure it's in the Bible. Look it up!
Ryan D
P.S. I promise this the last of the fireworks pictures... until next year!
It's not even the Fourth.
Author: Dougherty'sAs you may have read I love fireworks, just like any red blooded American male, but not on the third of July. Especially when they are exploding right out my freakin' window! I want to watch a movie, is that too much to ask?