Author: Dougherty'sTest 2
Good Friday?
Author: Dougherty's
I was talking tonight with some people that I work with and I we were sharing why we call Good Friday "Good." And were kinda kidding around with the fact that it wasn't all that great for Jesus. We should probably call it "Glad I'm not Jesus Day." It might be a little sacrilegious, but it is true. I am glad that I am not Jesus. I would have been begging the Roman soldiers to let me go, making up an excuse that there was probably a misunderstanding. "When I said that I was God, you mistook what I was trying to say." But that is exactly why I need Jesus. He is the only one that could do what He did and have it mean something. No one else could have died for the sins of humanity and changed the order of the universe. When He died something happened far beyond what people saw. Jesus opened a door, nay created a door that never existed before. A door that allows us access to a world that should be forbidden to us. When Christ died on our behalf we got far more than we deserve. So Good Friday is a good day and I am glad that Jesus died to show me He is God, and I am glad that he rose to prove it.
Ryan D
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