Post Thanksgiving Day Post
Author: Dougherty's
I like Thanksgiving! I'm glad that we do it, it never hurts to think and remember what it is we are thankful for.
1. God, A God that loves me despite all my mistakes and sins. I was listening to the song Drummer Boy, and lyrics say, "Little Baby, I am a poor boy too, I have no gift to bring, That's fit to give the King, Shall I play for you?" That is how I feel. I have nothing to offer except me!
2. My wife, Trina has been with me through thick and thin. It has been a tough few years and quite honestly if the roles were reversed I'm not sure I could do it.
3. My kids, they continue to grow and mature and it is amazing to watch. It is shocking at times, like when your four year old tells you, "I think tomatoes taste like crap."
There is numerous other things that I could mention, but I keep it to three. I know everyone does these "Thanksgiving" posts, so I'll keep it short.
In closing I would like to quote Matt Lauer during the broadcast of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, "Without dreams, dreams just simply can't come true." Thank you Matt for that inspirational message. How long did you work on that little gem? Did you practice in front of a mirror?
Ryan D